Full Stack Employee Directory

reactjs logonextjs logotailwindcss logonodejs logomongodb logo
  • Used client-side router in Next.js and SWR for fast navigation and caching to provide excellent user experience
  • Designed and developed an employee directory website based on suggested features and time constraints
  • Utilized Vercel’s server-less functions for backend APIs and MongoDB Atlas to perform CRUD operations
  • Written functional and responsive CSS using Tailwind CSS with mobile first approach
  • Implemented server-side pagination and server-side searching for high scalability
  • Integrated Cloudinary to handle image upload and image storage
  • Used Vercel for Github to automatically deploy project with Vercel


reactjs logonextjs logographql logocontentful logotailwindcss logo
  • Used Next.js to build fast static frontend pages and incrementally generating static pages as necessary
  • Integrated Contentful as headless CMS and GraphQL to provide data at build time
  • Styled all pages and components using Tailwind CSS with a mobile first approach
  • Designed and developed my own portfolio website
  • Used Netlify to automatically deploy this project

Full Stack Social Media App

reactjs logoredux logonodejs logoexpress logomongodb logo
  • Designed, programmed and tested a functional single-page application (SPA) allowing users to share their ideas
  • Designed, programmed and tested RESTful APIs with Express.js and MongoDB to perform CRUD operations
  • Supported functionalities such as markdown syntax, filtering, sorting, voting on posts and pagination
  • Integrated SASS product Cloudinary to handle user image upload and image storage
  • Implemented token-based user authentication with JSON Web Token
  • Enabled automatic deploys on Heroku using GitHub Integration

Frontend Mentor Challenges - Solutions

tailwindcss logoreactjs logonextjs logo
  • Developing numerous websites based on given designs and requirements
  • Ensuring that all websites are responsive using mobile first approach.
  • Utilizing static generation from Next.js for fast web experience
  • Proactively taking coding challenges to contribute and for self-improvement

Automating Online Proctoring

python logogooglecloud logoopencv logo
  • Prepared numerous footage and edge cases to test the capabilities of the program
  • Designed an GUI to handle file uploading and displaying processed data with Plotly
  • Configured Google Cloud Compute Engine and Storage to host application and handling data processing
  • Integrated Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API to extract and convert speech into text from video files
  • Utilized Google Cloud Vision API for facial feature extraction, object localization and pose estimation
  • Led project proposal and project development, as well as established feasible project timeline for deliverables